
Friday, 3 June 2011

Android app's

Everybody needs a little help and with today's android phones there is so many ways that we can get a little extra help.

I started to use an android app a while ago so I could track my progress. I have used two different ones already but found that Run Keeper was nice as it logged online as well. If your friends use it then you can compare and try to help each other. I mostly used it for walking as it works on GPS. It works out the distance walked and calories burned. I then started to do Zumba and since this is based indoors it posed a problem. Now you could go all out and buy a heart rate monitor that bluetooth's to your phone but I found another app for this... Instant heart rate. It works with the camera lens of your phone and measures it for you. Great got that but still couldn't work out my calories, so found another app that does this as well. QuickLogger Fitness actually asks what the temperature is, what your heart rate was during and what kind of exercise you did. Taking that all into account I did a little research to find out what Zumba would fall under and they reckon it could fall under Vigorous Aerobic exercises. Right that all figured out don't forget to change the default setting on your apps to your own weight etc. Just out of interest, I have the Zumba home DVD's and this has been my results so far:
45min of Zumba Sculpt and tone, 23ÂșC, 133bpm. Calories burned 499.

Here is the links for the apps via the web:

Heart Rate  -
Calories -
Tracking -

Don't forget to share on Facebook with your friends and have fun.

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